The first ever CBC committee 1996
Club history
There is evidence of leisure sailing and regattas taking place within the Cromarty Firth since the 1890’s
Newspaper articles also record regattas off Cromarty before and after the Second World War, with anecdotal evidence from elderly residents of the town that these were organised by Colonel Ross of Cromarty House.
In 1960 a club was formed in Cromarty and the organisation of sailing events then fell to the new club. For some unknown reason the sailing declined and by 1967 the decision was taken to disband the club.
However, there has been a successful Club since 1901, further up the Firth at Invergordon who continue to run the now famous Moray Firth Cruiser Race which has been a well attended event since 1973 proving that sailing was and is still popular in the Firth.
In 1995 George Selvester decided to try forming another club in Cromarty, a letter was published in newspapers inviting anyone interested in forming a new Club to attend a meeting at the Royal Hotel. The rest as they say is history.
1995: Letters to Press
1996: Cromarty Boat Club formally constituted
1999: Leases negotiated on Boat Park area and old lookout tower
2001: Boat Park compound officially opened
2003: Tower officially opened as clubhouse.
Since then CBC has enjoyed a period of consolidation and continues to plan for future successes.